2025 - Austin International Half Marathon Aid Station Sign Up

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Special Announcement

Austin International Half Marathon Volunteer Station Sign Up

RAW Party Peeps,

Here's the link to register for RAW's Austin International Half Marathon Aid/Party Station on January 19, 2025. Click below to sign up. If you're not running we expect you to be there!

We're still working out a few details, but plan on getting there at 6:45 a.m. and wrapping up around 11:00 a.m. There will be booze, breakfast tacos, a DJ, and a ton of energy! So bring your A game!

Please register ASAP so we can get an accurate headcount for food, booze, and God knows what else. NOTE - there are only so many “spots” to register, so if you try to register and it’s closed, you can still join us! An email will go out a couple days before Jan. 19 with ALL THE DETAILS.

If there’s something specific you want to contribute or do, please contact Mike ([email protected]) and Ashley ([email protected]). We will need to know if people can bring coolers, tables, booze, etc. Please email them BOTH so there’s zero confusion.

If you're not running we expect you to be there! And if you are running expect a MASSIVE energy boost that’ll carry you to the finish!

Dyson via Mike and Ashley (aid station co-captains)

Some pics from the last couple of years