Beach To Bay Relay Commitment Form - May 21, 2022

Beach To Bay Relay Commitment Form - May 21, 2022

RAW Running Weekly Email

2022 Beach to Bay Marathon RelayHey RAW Runners!We are excited to announce our spring team race event, the Beach to Bay Marathon Relay in Corpus Christi on May 21, 2022! This will be a Friday-Sunday group trip, with a Friday pre-race team dinner, 7 AM Marathon relay race, and a full Saturday afternoon/evening hanging out at the beach in Port Aransas! We will come back Sunday late morning to be back in Austin by early afternoon. If you want to race with us, fill out this form (keep reading, too)

RACE INFO: Beach to Bay Relay is a 6-person relay from Port Aransas beach to Corpus Christi’s bay. Each leg will vary between 4-5 miles each. The race will start at 7 AM on May 21st. This race is open to all paces, we will be excited to take as many RAW runners as we can. We will run #HAF, then have a great time on the beach!

TEAMS: Do not worry too much about finding 6 runners for your team. Just reach out with your interest in joining, Rio will help align the teams to ensure we all have a leg to run! If you'd like to run with a specific group of friends, just let us know. We will do our best to coordinate.

RAW TRIP: We will plan to leave Austin by 11 AM on Friday to arrive in Corpus by 3 PM. For those that need to work the entire workday (non-WFH people), we can coordinate an early evening departure as well.

AFTER PARTY: We will have an afterparty ready with some help from UA on the tab! The details are TBD, but we will likely have a bar in the Port Aransas area to host this crew. We also plan on spending time on the beach as well following the race.

PLACES TO STAY: There are two options, either book your own hotel or book group AirBNBs. We can help coordinate the AirBNBs for those who request them. The beach houses can host 8-10 people each and currently rate at $700-1000 total for both nights. Most of the houses are close to each other. Ideally, we’d like to start booking houses by end of March.This is the form to fill out if you want to race with us.

COST PER PERSON: All estimates*

Race Fee: $50AirBNB: $125Transportation: $75 Total: 250 + additional costs

Additional Cost:Meals Tequila Shots/Booze Any additional fun activities

YOUR NEXT STEPS: Fill this form out by March 27th. We will send an info sheet out to you and start booking the teams/rooms. We will need firm commitments ($$) to pay for race fees and book AirBnBs/rooms. Let's make this happen!

We’d like to start building teams and commitments as early as possible. If you have interest, please reach out. We will organize the teams once we start getting commitments.

For all questions related to Beach to Bay, holler at Rio Reina, [email protected]. Rio is leading the efforts on this and we will not monitor our email for this.

Let's take this RAW show on the road!

Rio (and Paras, Ryan, and Pat. but really, Rio).


RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!