Friday runs are back + water sign up

Friday runs are back + water sign up

RAW Running Weekly Email

Hey folks, Given the magnitude of the event - we should've announced this a couple of weeks ago more formally, but alas life happened. We are back doing our #CAF runs at 6.30am every Friday at Fleet Feet Austin. Some quick details about how it goes down for those that are uninitiated or their first run with us is going to be tomorrow or any future Friday morning run.Obviously, we started doing Tuesday night at 7p, no excuses at Mean Eyed Cat. That's a #HAF workout that we send out weekly. #HAF stands for ... hard as fu**. You get it. Then we added Friday morning runs when Ari opened up Fleet Feet Austin at Seaholm 3 years ago. #CAF stands for chill as fu**, you get it. Ari Perez is there every week, and William Dyson is there every week as well and they help kick off and lead the #CAF run. You can run, walk, jog, however little or however much you want. Ari locks up your stuff in the store so it's safe and usually within 25 or so minutes he's back to unlock the store. If you want to run 7 miles, there's usually folks running 7. If you want to run 3, there's folks running 3 and everything in between.. After the run, everyone hangs out and gets coffee before heading to work. Hopefully that answers what the Friday morning run is in more detail.WATER FOR TUESDAY NIGHTSAnother point we didn't really hammer home. A couple of years ago, as the group grew and we got tired of hauling our own water to workouts - we decided to create a sign up list where one person brings water for the whole group that week. We try and do it so that no one is doing it more than 1-2x a year, but it's pretty simple. You drive to the workout spot, do your own warm up and wait for the crew to get there. You bring water, do the workout with us, and then everyone throws their trash away in those bags and you can throw them away. It's hot, the group is big, and it's a great way to meet a ton of people every week. Here's a link to sign up. Pick a week, mark it down in whatever calendar you use, and bring water that week. can sign up as far in advance as possible. If you can't make it that week or something changes, its on you to find a replacement. Right now we're signed up to almost the end of July, it would be great after this email goes out to have everything signed up for the next few months. Ok, that's a longer form email to explain Fridays and Tuesday night water sign up. Checklist item for us done this week.See everyone Friday, Tuesday, or whatever the day may be. Have a safe weekend.Paras, Ryan, and Pat


RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!