Good luck on Race Day - reminder about Cheer Station / Post Race Party!

Good luck on Race Day - reminder about Cheer Station / Post Race Party!

RAW Running Weekly Email


Quick reminder - the cheer station, for those of you not running, is on 605 W. 15th Street at the Wells Fargo bank

For those of you that are running, send your friends and family there to stop by for a bit. It's around mile 12 where the split of the half and the full are.

Lastly, bring the HEAT at the Marathon After Party with us at Mean Eyed Cat Sunday Night. Details here:

We'll be there at 6p with DoRite BBQ, Vegan Nom, a bar tab.

You're free to bring your friends, family, roommates, folks that didn't run, folks that did run, etc. Bring the heat.

Holler at us if you have questions!


RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!