Happy Holidays and a Health Reminder!

Happy Holidays and a Health Reminder!

RAW Running Weekly Email

Happy Holidays, Health Reminder, Waivers, and Important DatesHi folks, First of all, what a year. We're so happy, lucky, and thankful that we got to resume RAW and that our Tuesday nights are BACK. Thanks to everyone for making it such a fun time. A quick note about health - if you're feeling sick, stay home. Everyone's risk tolerance and personal circumstances are different, but we ask that you be mindful and respectful of others situation. It's the holidays, people are traveling, etc. - and I know we can't solve for every scenario, so if you're sick or feeling sick, please stay home. If you haven't signed our waiver yet, please do that by clicking here.  You need to do that before you come to your first RAW workout. We'll have more details right when we turn the new year, but here's some key dates we'd like you to keep open in 2022 --  

  • 3M Half Marathon

    • 1/23/2022

    • Run the race or volunteer at our aid station with Bex 

  • Long run with the Austin Marathon 

    • 1/30/2022

    • Sunday morning long run with the Austin Marathon and UA 

  • Shakeout Run for the Austin Marathon 

    • 2/19/2022

    • We're going to do a shakeout run before marathon race weekend and it's going to be a lot of fun. There will be breakfast and a big party afterwards. 

  • Austin Marathon 

    • 2/20/2022 

    • We hope you'll be around on Sunday to run or volunteer (we'll have a list of volunteer opportunities) and we'll have out big marathon after party again Sunday night. You may want to take Monday off of work!

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. 

Paras, Ryan, and Pat


RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you. 


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!