Important RAW Announcement (Corona Virus and Health)

RAW Temporarily Postponed and a few thoughts

RAW Running Weekly Email

Hey crew First off, we hope everyone is doing ok and keeping themselves in a good spot given everything happening with COVID-19. We know things are a bit confusing right now but the main priority should be the health of you and your family. That said, RAW will be following the recommendation from the CDC in postponing any official hosted in-person group runs for the next eight weeks (both Tuesday HAF and Friday CAF runs). This means the next official hosted in-person RAW group run would tentatively be on May 12th, barring any updated recommendations from the CDC. We’ll keep you posted as things develop further. Although we won’t be hosting in-person workouts for the next few weeks, RAW will still continue by providing our weekly workouts virtually in email and on social media every Tuesday so that all members can continue to go HAF on their own each week and share with the group virtually! Once you complete your workout each week we encourage you to share your results with our crew in the following ways… 

  1. Connected Apps/Devices: Log your workouts with a connected app and/or device. We recommend using MapMyRun by Under Armour. During this time we’ll also have some more workout tips and features to share through MapMyRun in the coming days and weeks.

  2. Connect to FitRankings: Connect your app/device on the RAW team page on FitRankings (most all devices/apps are compatible with FitRankings). FitRankings was created by our co-founder Pat Hitchins and will bring the crew together virtually with our workouts over the next few weeks. This will be another place we’ll post our workouts during this time and we’ll also have a dedicated leaderboard for RAW to see who’s really going HAF each week!

  3. Share and Tag on Social Media: Once you complete a workout, share it by uploading a pic from your MapMyRun app on to social media and tag @RAWRunning (and @UARunning) and we’ll make sure to share it with the crew.

Let’s continue to motivate one another and hold each other accountable! Once we meet again, we may even have some giveaways for those who are logging their activity on the RAW team page and sharing with the crew :) Upcoming races and VIRTUAL 10k:Most events are being cancelled worldwide and this has also been the case for the Cap10k here in Austin, which was scheduled to be held on April 5, 2020. This is the largest race in Texas and a big one for our crew, so as an alternative we’ll be encouraging everyone to run the virtual race and their own 10k on April 5th. Just like we’ve recommended for the weekly workouts, connect to the RAW page on FitRankings and also share your results on social media by tagging @RAWRunning and @UARunning.It’s important to remember that even though we can’t meet as a group, this doesn’t mean you can’t put in the work on your own. Be safe, be smart and keep yourselves going. Everyone’s safety is first priority in all of this, but we will get through it and we can all be there virtually supporting each other throughout it all. If you have any questions please let us know  Pat, Ryan and Paras


RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!