RAW 103 - Town Lake Tempo

RAW 103 // Town Lake Tempo

New year, new beginning, but same great staple....HILLS!

Town Lake Tempo

1.12.16 Today we will be getting RAW around Town Lake with a new "tempo" workout. In case you missed it....The reason we started RAW was to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride so far and we look forwarding to the year ahead with all of you. This year has much in store...new workouts, new gear, more team events and providing more help in targeting your races on the calendar. Each week we'll let you know the workout as always, but also let you know what's in store for the coming weeks. For some of you this will simply help feed that workout excitement you have each and every week. For others this will help you prepare for not only the workout itself, but also in seeing how the workout fits into your training leading up to your road races and triathlons. ***The RAW Guarantee: Do our workout once a week and you will get faster***

Workout Details


Meeting Spot: Bicycle World (formerly Jack & Adams Bike Shop) @ 6:55pm or meet at Pease Park @ 7:15pm

Warmup starts: 7:00pm

Workout: Tempo run around town lake

Workout start point: At Bicycle World, and town lake.

Post-Workout: 8:30pm Beers at BSS and P-Terrys

Up Next (1/12) - Town Lake Tempo

On Deck (1/19) - Roll of the Dice

In the Hole (1/26) - RAW Relays

Sun, Jan 24 - 3M Half Marathon

Sat, Jan 30 - Austin Gorilla Run

Sat, Feb 13 - Cupid's Chase 5k

Sun, Feb 14 - Austin Marathon/Half