RAW 161 - Track to the Future

RAW 161 - Track to the Future

Feed your flux capacitor

 RAW - Track to the Future 2.21.17 RAW 161 Feed your flux capacitor with Beer and some track time with RAW Tonight!  Congrats to everyone who competed and helped out with the Marathon! Thanks Jack and High Five Events for the hookups! 

***The RAW Guarantee***"Do our workout once a week and you will get faster"

Workout Details


Meeting Spot: Barton Spring Saloon @ 7:00pm

Warmup starts: 7:05pm

Workout: Track time mystery

Workout start point: Austin HS TrackPost-workout: Barton Spring Saloon Beers, P-Terry's burgers 8:30pm


Why RAW?

The reason we started RAW was to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride so far and we look forwarding continue roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you. 

Who is RAW for?

EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 minute mile or a 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for you to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!

Schedule:Up Today:  Track timeOn Deck: RelaysIn the hole: Some other shit

Today- LIFEHave more events? Send to us!