RAW #243 - Redbud Relays (new workout!!)

RAW #243 - Redbud Relays (new workout!!)

RAW #243 - *alert, new workout* REDBUD RELAYS

TONIGHT - We're going to do the Redbud Relays, a new workout orchestrated by Scotty and Eric.The workout START POINT will be Red Bud Isle (just down the hill on Redbud on Redbud and Lake Austin). Because this workout is *new*, Eric and Scotty will be leading it off. We'll be doing loops, with a partner, and from there we'll do a nice little cooldown on the way back.Remember, the weather is getting a bit cooler and the days are getting darker - expect our workouts to bump up from the 4-5 we had been doing over the summer to 6-7 as we ramp up. Some do longer cooldowns and warm ups as well, so if you need the miles there is always someone to go with.**special note this week** Pool Burger is undergoing some renovations to their truck, so the food options post workout are Thundercloud and/or if you plan ahead, Maudie's. You make the call!AFTER THE WORKOUTDeep Eddy/Pool BurgerNext WeekTBD RAW AT THE RACESNathaniel Milles tore it up on a tough trail race in San Fran. Results here...Many people went out and raced at the LiveStrong 5k - way to go Bernie, Mikey, and more!Announcements-RAW Swag! We have some - shirts and singlets are $15 each, and are the highest quality Under Armour material there is. UA sent us and hooked it up with a bunch of swag, we put the RAW logo on it. So if you want Under Armour RAW swag (shirts and singlets in this run), bring $15 or venmo us tonight. No shipping (yet). Must be present at a RAW workout to get the swag. We'll also be tossing out a couple of shirts/singlets to the winning team tonight. ****I ONLY HAVE SMALLS THIS WEEK*****-Speaking of Seaholm Powerplant - we've teamed up with Fleet Feet and have a Friday morning #CAF (chill as fu**) pace run from their store. We start at 6.30am and have people running all kinds of distances and paces - this is the second RAW run on the calendar so you can start your weekend by doing something good to your body before you do bad. {211 Walter Seaholm Dr, Austin, TX 78701 - there's street parking, and Ari will validate all parking if you don't find any}. Come join us! After this run we all get together and drink some coffee and eat a taco next door at Merit Coffee.-We love Deep Eddy and Pool Burger, but a nice reminder here: If you get Thundercloud post workout, please only eat that upstairs in the bar, not downstairs and outside. ***BUY RAW GEAR: Please help fund RAWs efforts to drink more beer and dominate the local running scene by purchasing RAW Gear today!

***The RAW Guarantee***"Do our workout once a week and you will get faster"

Workout Details

*****BRING WATER*****

Meeting Spot: Deep Eddy Cabaret (2315 Lake Austin Blvd) @ 7:00pm OR on location @ 7:20pm

Warmup starts: 7:05pm

Workout: Redbud Relays

Workout start point

: Deep Eddy



Pool Burger at Deep Eddy or Thundercloud


Why RAW?

The reason we started RAW was to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride so far and we look forwarding continue roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.

Who is RAW for?

EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 minute mile or a 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for you to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!

Schedule:Up Today: Redbud RelaysOn Deck: Pease ParkIn the hole: TBD

Kerville Tri