RAW #93 Boardwalk bang bang

RAW #93 //10.26 What does it all mean?

RAW Workout #88 - Card Trick on the Track!

RAW #93 // 10.26 - What does it all mean?

RAW has always been about making you a faster runner, no matter what kind of shape you are in. That in mind, we want people to know that RAW is for everyone.

Tomorrow we are introducing a new concept to RAW: HAF and MAF.

That means we will have two workout options every week from this point on (see below).

No need to worry we will still make you FAF.

You see, this is the best of both worlds. A double rainbow of sorts. We still maintain street cred as hardest f-ing running group in town, but have an opportunity to share our RAWness with others.

So go ahead, bring that friend of yours with the 13.1 sticker on the back of their car, your bro who just went paleo and likes to get yoked at crossfit, or your co-worker who just won't shut up about those vibrams and how "born to run" changed their life.

Workout Details

******BRING HEADLAMPS+Watches*****

Meeting Spot: Bicycle World (formerly

Jack & Adams Bike Shop

) @ 6:55pm, or meet at Boardwalk start at 7:15

Warmup starts: 7:00pm

Workout:HAF- 10x1x1 ( 10 repeats, one minute hard, one minute easy)MAF- 6x1x1


(six repeats one minute hard, one minute easy)

Course: Boardwalk

Post-Workout: 8:30pm Beers at BSS and burgers at P-Terrys