RAW Events/Things on the Horizon (on the horizon)

RAW Events/Things on the Horizon (on the horizon)

Hey all,

Things on the horizon. We have gotten a little more organized and added an EVENTS section to our website which will reflect links/things going on /things people are doing. We realize not everyone is on social AND not everyone is on the email list - so the website is our home base.

1. This Friday morning, our friend, Leo Manzano (2012 Olympic Silver Medalist in the 1500m) is retiring from the sport and moving on to the next chapter in his life. We're helping him celebrate with a

from our usual spot + a

. Leo has done a lot for a lot of people and kids in Austin - if you have a few minutes, stop by, give him a hug, and run one final mile with him.

There will be tacos, coffee, and fun provided by us and our friends at High Five Events.

2. Saif is going to the the first ever (and hopefully only ever) RAW Fantasy Football Commissioner. He'll make an announcement tomorrow - but you can join the league here before it inevitably fills up:

3. BOMF Benefit Concert. Tom Starr and Will von Rosenberg are on the Young Professionals Board and are rockstars. Click here to head to the event:

4. Zilker Relays + after party! In true RAW tradition, we attend ZR every year and then have an after party. This is your one chance to catch Pat off his game and try to win the after party. Sign up and we'll send out an email trying to coordinate some teams, etc.

5. Bigfoot Trail Race is on 10/5. We have a pretty sick coupon code thanks to Scott Merritt. Use this code at checkout 'BFTRAW50' -->

(As always, do not share the coupon code with anyone. This is exclusive to RAW).

5. Capitol to Coast - Want to be on one of our two teams? Just sign up here and we'll be in touch shortly. Sign up for a RAW team closes on 8/20 at 9pm after the workout. Add your name to this sheet: