RAW Special Edition - Irregular Events Email

RAW Special Edition - Irregular Events Email / August Edition

RAW Running Weekly Email

Hey all, Been a while since we sent an email out *not* on a Tuesday and even longer since we last met up in person. But we're making it and hopefully there's some light at the end of the tunnel. Normally, the fall in Austin hosts some of the best races (aside from the 3M Half and our favorite event, the Austin Marathon) and with everything on hold for now, we wanted to bring to light friends, organizations, etc. doing cool stuff who could use the support right now. Marathon Kids - Promoting fitness for kids in schools is obviously paramount. We won't spend all of this space talking about Marathon Kids awesome mission, but here's a virtual race option that co-founder of RAW, Pat Hitchins' company, FitRankings, is partnering with MK to do. All you have to do is click register, link your FitRankings, and boom, you're all set to go. Link to register and knock that out is here.Back On My Feet Bigfoot Virtual Trail Race - This is not the proper forum to tell tales of the BOMF Gala 2 years ago as, well, the author of this email remembers very little of it other than Saif standing on stage and Stewart winning a trip to Mexico, but alas, here we are. They normally have a big party for their annual trail race and, that's not happening this year. Bernie is a board member and we have numerous other active folks at BOMF Austin (Will von Rosenberg, Tom Starr, etc.). Link to the trail race here. Use the code RAW20CASA Superhero Run - Justin Siegel is a board member of CASA Travis and normally, we have tons of folks that run and do the CASA Superhero 5k, right Jason Casady? Heres a link to sign up - we've highlighted CASA before but also, you'll find some social posts as we continue to share / tag them. Link to register here. Davey has a team set up! YMBL - Young Men's Business League, which Daniel Zarazua and Patrick Olson are leading the charge here and applications close tomorrow. If you want to learn more, click here or email Patrick Olson [email protected]Breakfast Club ATX - Like to ride bikes? Join the newest group and you'll see plenty of familiar faces and meet some new ones. They are riding every Saturday morning at 7.30am and Justin Siegel will be out there to make sure no one gets dropped. Link for more info: https://breakfastclubatx.com/Clean Trail Club - Want to keep the trail clean? Jordie and Collin started CTC so we could enjoy our trails and keep them clean. They meet on the weekends (keep an eye out on their social at https://www.instagram.com/cleantrailclub/) and you can volunteer some of your time so others, like the author of this email, can continue to enjoy our trails. We are still trying to find a time for Zo and Dyson to race in a beer mile. Sadly, the first date we had scheduled was marred by a ton of unforeseen events (medical, physical, and emotional). This will be rescheduled.That should be everything we had on our plate for the time being. Hope you're safe and healthy! 


RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!