RAW Waiver + Gear Sizes

RAW Waiver + Gear Sizes (read this and sign before your first workout)

RAW Running Weekly Email

Hey folks, Hope you all had a nice weekend and we're looking forward to getting RAW going again tomorrow night!In an effort to help us stay organized as we have a lot of fun things planned, it's helpful to have gear sizes from everyone in a nice, clean way. To that end, we're asking you to sign a waiver before your first RAW workout. That waiver allows us to capture information when we are planning a party, working with a race like Transrockies or the Austin Marathon, or working with a brand to do an apparel order. Even if you've been coming to RAW since we started on January 1st, 2014, or you are newer to the crew, we need you to sign the waiver before you come hang out with us tomorrow (or any future workout). We only need you to do this one time so it's not an every week deal.

  • Alternatively, you can go to www.raw.run, and click on WAIVER (this will work on your phone or desktop) and then click the link it takes you through.

  • Link to waiver

  • There's also a blue widget on the website in the bottom right hand corner.

We tried to make this as easy as possible for everyone before tomorrow!

Anyways, we deeply appreciate it and are looking forward to an amazing end to the summer! Let us know if you have any questions.Paras, Ryan, and Pat  

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RAW began to bring people together who wanted to bust their ass each week to become better runners and improve their fitness. RAW has done just that. We've all met amazing people and have seen a lot of personal best go down along the way! It's been a great ride thus far and we look forward to continuing to roll down this road at HAF pace with all of you.


EVERYONE! RAW welcomes runners of all levels. It doesn't matter if you run a 5 or 12 minute mile, RAW workouts are designed for YOU to run at the pace that is hard for YOU. Come try a workout, bring your friends and let's get after it together!