RAW Water Sign Up / Announcement

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Special Announcement

RAW Water Sign Up

Hi folks,

For 4+ years we've had a water sign up sheet where someone from the crew brings water for everyone.

Bringing water for the whole crew is not hard. We make no money doing RAW and the crew has gotten huge and not everyone is familiar with the link and process.

So we're taking a few mins to explain it. You get to the workout site a few mins early and have 125+ water bottles there. Bring a cooler, ice it down, just bring room temp water - we don't care. It's hot and this is a community effort, so pick a week and sign up. We do this every week, without fail.

Our website has the link - www.raw.run, click workout links, then click Tuesday Night Water signup.

It costs a couple bucks and it's not intentioned to be onerous. But theres a lot more than 52 people that come every week and a lot of you have been coming for a long time without actually bringing water. That needs to change.

Add it on your personal calendar, and if you for some reason can't make it the week you sign up find someone else to switch with. I would hope by the end of the day every week is taken until the end of the calendar year as there are more than enough people to share the load.

After sending out this email, the entire sheet should be filled for the calendar year. So get on it, pick a week, and commit to it.
