RAW Water Sign up and another couple of quick notes

RAW Water Sign up and another couple of quick notes

Hey everyone,

1) It's getting hot so we are going to ask people to rotate/step up who is on water duty. You can go to



Rules of above: Sign up for a week, we'll send out our normal email with that day's workout. Drive to workout spot and do your warm up there while you wait on the group to get there (if you're unclear where the workout is, that's fine, just reach out to someone and we can explain it), bring water/cooler with cold water. A 24 pack of water at H-E-B is 5 bucks. If you can't make it the week you signed up (life happens, we get it) - give someone above or below you on the spreadsheet a heads up and have them take over your week. Be a decent human and give those people as much of a heads up as possible! There's a lot of people, it's hot, and the workouts are getting hotter from now until October. This is going to take a little group creativity if we're going to survive this summer.

We'll start including the link to the spreadsheet in every week's workouts, but you can go ahead and sign up as far in advance as you want.



3) Throw

4) Global Running Day is on 6/5 (a Wednesday night) at 6p. You can


. If you can make it, even for one beer and a picture, we'd like to see you there. It's at The Statesman building and you *will not* miss it.

5) The RAW Summer Party will be on 7/2 at Jack's house on Riverside/35. It'll be one of the rare times we don't meet at Deep Eddy for the workout - so put it in your calendars now, we will not be at DE that night! More to come....